Allow yourself to grow
I remember at the very beginning of our journey when Mästore was only nameless baby seed in our minds and we didn't have a clue of what we were getting ourselves into. When that seed was later planted and began to take root is when we realized the beauty of the process from seed to tree, from the watering and nurturing to patiently waiting for the first branch to reach out and declare it's naissance. The journey has been long and hard with balancing family life, regular jobs and at the same time building the foundation for this project to stand on solid ground. Long days and even longer nights scratching foreheads while designing and eating infront of computers. Blood sweat and tears but you know what? it's all been worth it alhamdulillah. For when you see your tree bring forth it's first fruit and the fruit tastes sweet you know you're going in the right direction.We've made alot of mistakes along the way but everything happens for a reason and there are great blessings in that learning experience. We allow ourselves to make mistakes for without errors it's impossible to grow. At the end of the day it's how you choose to look at the obstacles at hand, you can let it overwhelm you into giving up or you can let it feed your determination to reach your goal.